Mon 27 Jan
♥♡♥one or two fine sexy blondes wanting to play w y♡u!!! n we have a super special goin on!!!♥♥ - 25
(Knoxville, west Knox ****( cedar bluff)****)
---- Stunning Sexy Blonde ---------------- Smoking Hot Body --------------- Stunning Sexy Blonde - 25
(Nashville, Downtown Metro Center In or Out calls)
NEW PHONE # SEXY & EXOTIC brunette come see me !!!!! EXCLUSIVE ***new # - 21
(Nashville, Nashville, antioch, & surrounding areas)
nEw In TwN AnD NeW PiCs OuTcAll SpEcIaLs A MiXeD LaTiNa AnD WhItE WoMaN - 23
(Nashville, nashville/smyrna/murfeesboro/la vergne)
$ Little, Sexy, & Petite $ Don't Miss Out I'm ready hit me up ♥♥ $ Call Ashley 901-208-6591 $ - 23
(Memphis, Memphis area)
looking for something new in town baby? new to the area lets play tonight! - 23
(Nashville, Nashville out calls only)
I'm ready... are you???****SimPly The BesT**** The pleasure is all mine!!! 5'5", 135lbs - 27
█ NEW★ ██★██★██★██ ★ GIRL★ ██★██★██★ AVAILABLE ★ █★██★██★██★ NOW ★ █★██★██★ █★██★██ ██ - 24
(Memphis, ███████BRAND NEW BEAUTIFUL BLONDE███████)
💜💋💖💋💜 ( (💟💟🎀 HOT n BUSTY 🎀💟💟) ):: :: ( (💟💟🎀 A V A i L A B L E 💖💕💟💟 ) ) :: :: ( ( - 36
(Chattanooga, Cleveland / Athens)
EARLY BIRD!! "CHERRY D'MINA" ♥ RoCkAbiLLy ReBeL 1St TiMe HeRe!! ♥ PIN-UP ReDH*E*A*D - 29
(Brentwood/Cool Springs, Nashville , Franklin Baby!!)
~*STOP LOOKING ~ A Beautiful Hotty~You've Found The Best of The Best!*~
(Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
sexy funsized college girl from florida! - 19
(Nashville, columbia, spring hill &some; surro. areas)
**Sexy Bombshell** Back by Popular Demand!! - 22
(Knoxville, Oak Ridge,Knoxville&Surrounding; Areas)
*** SeXy BrunEttE kNoCkOuT *** All NaTuRaL ~*~ AMAZING + SuPeR HoT ~*~ SEXY GiRL OF YouR DrEamS** - 22
!!!roll call Now offering $100specials! New visiting near airport!!!Trina drop dead gorgeous Ebony - 22
Sexy little firecracker ready to com out and play 615/648/6029 24/7(; - 22
(Nashville, Nashville TN and surrounding counties)
Serenity here for your pleasure all day all night 615-609-4763 - 21
(Nashville, Nashville and surrounding areas Tn)
Passion & Desiree are in town to do any and everything you want💯💋(615)-436-3376 Call us ASAP - 21
(Nashville, Nashville TN and surrounding counties)
°*° S U P E R °°*°° S E X Y °°*°° B E A U T Y - °*° - 20
(IN Town For Today Only!)
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E* -T-) ♥ (*A* -N- *D*) ♥ (-A- *D* -D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I* -V- *E*) - 22
(Naswhville & Surrounding)
Outcall!!! Call sexy Cinnamon tonight;)U won't regret it!Have a fun time together! - 35
(Nashville, Nashville,Tn)
*-:¦:-*S I M P L Y*-:¦:-*U N F O R G E T A B L E°°*-:¦:-* - 22
(Nashville & Surrounding Areas)
NOTICE: I will be making myself Available Sunday at 8am... Book in advance via text!! Goodnight:) - 28
💞 Oh NashVille 💞 this well KnowN & TRUSTED "PRETTY WOMAN" is BACK💖 "150" Full UnRushed HOUR 💖 - 40
(AirPort AreA Out CALLS tonight, Nashville)
Raven haired HOTTIE !! Sensual MASSAGES! Murfreesboro incall - 38
(Murfreesboro, murfreesboro incall)
New to Nashville *****TARA***** In or Out Calls (RedHotRedHead) - 28
(Nashville, Airport area / outcalls anywhere)
New Girls This Week Now offering incall and out call entertainment - Divine Enchantments - 24
NeW In ToWN** BaRbAdOs BeaUtY ~ #1 ~~E(X)O(T)I(C) ~~ *#1 ~~ ~BaRbAdOs BeaU~~TrEaT #1 ~~E(X)O(T)I(C) - 23
(Nashville, OUTCALL ~~~ ALL ~~~ OVER)
MmMm Sexy.. With Talents U Will Love! ;-) EARLY BIRD SPECIALS - 34
(Nashville, Nashville and surrounding areas)
North Nashville areas....Tori Paige is on her way.
(hendersonville, Gallatin and north Nashville areas)
HELLO NASHVILLE... I'M BACK and Ready to do ALL the things "she" won't!! Just give me'a call:) - 28
Gentlemen Wanted By 40 and Gorgeous Nashville Lady Escort - 615-669-LISA Outcall Only - 40
(Nashville Airport Downtown Franklin)
GeNtAlMenS #1ChOiCe TrEaT YoUrSeLf SpEcIaL AvAiLaBlE 24-7
(Nashville, Airport,Antioch,Nashville Area)
Double the Trouble why have1girl for a 100$ when u can have 2new girls for a 100$ - 25
ExOtIc ______M,I,X.E,D ___ ExOtIc _________ExOtIc __M,I,X.E,D ___ ExOtIc ________ ExOtIc ________ - 22