Sat 22 Feb
(Nashville, US)
Mon 27 Jan
(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯)SEXIEST PACKAGE INTOWN_(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) - 22
(Nashville And All Surrounding Areas)
💘👉Sexy girl @ your door 💦🍌😘..💕💖💕ready now!!💕💖💕....👉✅Nashville & ALL surrounding areas!!!..text me💋 - 22
(Nashville, Nashville,Madison,Gallatin,Murfreesboro)
♥ === ♥ SeXy LeXiS ♥ == ♥ Playful, Hot & Sensual,Cutie - 22
(Nashville And All Surrouding Areas)
♥S U P E R **♥** H O T T♥ - 22
(Nashville and surrounding areas)
* ★ NoT LiKe THe ReST ° iM SiMPLY THe BeST ★ * - 22
(Nashville And All Surrounding Areas)
(•.¸ ★¸.•) NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME (•.¸ ★¸.•) AVAILABLE NOW! - 31 - 33
(Nashville, Nashville and all surrounding areas)
💸💵Haitian Cinderella💎The Head Ringer,Lesbian friendly,Fetish friendly,Domination friendly - 23
(Downtown,Antioch,Brentwood,Murfreesboro, Nashville)
Carmen Is Here To Make Your First Day Back To Work After Memorial Day WeekEnd Xtra Nice
(Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* - 22
(Nashville And All Surrounding Areas!!!)
~ For Your Fantastic Sunday Delight Special ~ Call Me !~ Call 615-473-5936
(Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
Call 615-473-5936 ~ I'll Make Your Thursday Day Special Very Memorable ~ Call Me
(Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
Carmen Is Here To Make Your Memorial Day WeekEnd A Memory That You Want Forget
(Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
Call 615-473-5936 ~ For Your Fantastic Friday Delight Special ~ Call Me
(Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
¯ _ ELITE ESCORTS _ ¯ ¯ _ Multi- Hour SPECIAL _ ¯ ¯ _ All Major CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED +Paypal OK! - 23
(Nashville, Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
Visiting_ ______!!!__ S_E_X_Y_____ N_A_U_G_H_T_Y ___ B_A_N_G_I_N_G ____ H_O_T ___ SEXY HOT PiCS - 21
(Nashville Incalls /// Outcalls Available)
Sat 11 Jan
★★★ Busty Body Rubs by Jenna █★█ Blonde Beauty █★█ 175/hour Busty Body Rubs ★★★ - 28
(Chattanooga, Out to your HOME/HOTEL)
★★★ Busty Body Rubs by Jenna █★█ NEW PICS!!!█★█ 160/hour 38J's ★★★ - 28
(Chattanooga, Out to your HOME/HOTEL/incall)
Best Vip Elite Escorts, Nashville Escort Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Nashville, Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
✴FoRgEt✳DA❇ ReSt N TrY♥Da➡➡BeSt ↖❇✳✴ 80 incall- 32 - 33
(Nashville, Nashville and all surrounding areas)
Best Vip Elite Models, Nashville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available 24 hours 7 Days A Week - 23
(Nashville, Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
Best Vip Elite Models, Nashville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available - 23
(Nashville, Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
**100 IN and OUT CALLS SPECIAL =]=''='=' 100 SPECIAL IN AND OUT -]--][==- - 26
(in and out calls all areas)
****===100 SPECIALS=-= -100c S-=P=-E= -C=-I=-A=-L -s=-=-=-100 specials ====***** - 18
(in and out calls all areas)
♥ === ♥ Let Me Be Your BEST Easter Treat Yet♥ === ♥ - 22
(Nashville/Murfreesboro/And All Areas!!)
Fri 10 Jan
🙌STOP👉I AM THE TOTAL PACKAGE🎁 615/420/8669😍😘..🎉Outcalls ONLY!! 💖Portland& Surrounding (; - 22
(Nashville, Gallatin,Portland TN,& ALL surrounding)
.SpECiALs (¯`'.¸ * ¸.'´¯) SeXxXy bLOnde with (¯`'.¸ * ¸.'´¯) SpECiALs.? - 23
(nashville & surr areas)
(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) Mind Blowing Experience (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) - 22
(Murfreesboro/Nashville/And All Areas)
♥* Come get your Hump Day STARTED and POPPIN'! *♥ ...Call 615-473-5936! - 24
(Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
(615) 617 0200~*~*SeXy Chloe is here 4 u ~*~*tha best *~* 24/7 ~*~* CaLL NoW!!!! ~*~* - 18
(i-65 south franklin and surroundin areas)
1/2 Hr $150 C;U;R;V;Y M;I;X;ED; P;U;E;R;T;O RiCaN / C;R;E;O;L;E M;I;X;E;D *34B* * H.O.T
Thu 09 Jan
♥* Looking for the "girl- next- door" type? You found me... *♥ ...Call 615-473-5936! - 24
(Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
👯🎉Madison 😘 Ashland City💕 Goodletsville😍MtJuliet & Hendersonville 👉 Outcalls Only 🏡NO hotels!!! - 22
(Nashville, Nashville,Murfreesboro,Madison,Gallatin)
Wed 08 Jan
Sexy Classy and Beautiful - Looking for Nashvilles Best-- - 33
(Nashville, Downtown and close to the airport)
I'm the Perfect Holiday Treat **EROTIC HOLIDAY PLAYMATE ** In/Outcalls 773-932-7674 - 24
(Airport Incalls, Nasville area outs)
Are You a Mature Woman (35 and over) Who Would Like to Earn $100,000 a Year? - 35
(Nashville, Nashville and all surrounding areas)
★ FRIENDLY ★▂ ▃ ★ SEXY ★ ▂ ★BEST RATES- HOTTEST ESCORTS▂ ▃ ★5★Escorts 800-526-2994 - 23
(Nashville, Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
[★]M a i n°A t t r a c t i o n [★]SweeT & SeXy - (OPEN-MINDED) - UPSCALE HotTiE - 22
(Nashville, * All of Nasville and Surrounding Areas*)
((())) A Very Personal Assistant With Sterling Resume Seeks ........ ((())) Spring Fling Discount - 37
☆1st Choice: Sexy&NaUghTy; (♥ SoUtHeRn- SwEEtie ♥ ) *ToP-NoTcH LooKs* ☆ - 20
(Nashville And All Areas)
🚺🚺JuIcY, tIgHt, & JuSt RiGhT✅⭐ AVAILABLE NOW ⭐↗↗ - 32
(Nashville, Nashville and all surrounding areas)
Tue 07 Jan
A❤▃🚺🚺🚺▃❤ AMAZING NEW BLONDE DOLLS ❤▃🚺🚺🚺▃(800) -526 -2994 🚺🚺▃❤ AMERICAN GIRLS ❤ 100%REAL PICS - 23
(Nashville, Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
Best Vip Elite Models, Nashville High Class Agency, Finest Ladies Available - 23
(Nashville, Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
♥* Come get your WEEKEND STARTED and POPPIN'! *♥ ...Call 615-473-5936! - 24
(Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
★ FRIENDLY ★▂ ▃ ★ SEXY ★ ▂ ★ HOTTEST ESCORTS▂ ▃ ★5★Escorts 800-526-2994 - 23
(Nashville, Nashville and Surrounding Areas)
Mon 06 Jan