Thu 02 Jan
PARIS Hot Blonde!! will be out of town thur,fri,and sat. SPECIALS today!!! Come get me now guys!! - 27
(nashville and surrounding)
¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'.¸? ¸.'´¯ - 22
🍁🍁 NeW SeNsAtiOnS🍁🍁🍁NeW 🏧iN ToWn Satisfation Guaranteed🚻 615 474 2977 - 21
(Nashville, Nashvillle area)
█▓█ OUTCALLS➋➍/➐ ▓█▓██▓█▓█▓█▓█▓ 💋100% ReAL💕█▓█▓█ H💣T▬▬&▬▬💦READY█▓ 615-420-8669▬💜▬💜▬💜 █▓M█E█G█A█N▓█▓█ - 22
(Nashville, Gallatin☆Murfreesboro☆Hendersonville)
OoOoOoO!! Have Some Fun!... Tall Slender Glass Of Ice Tea _Curvy_Soft Lips_ ***AVAILABLE NOW**** - 23
(Nashville, AIRPORT AREA)
Exotic, Sensitive and Sexy; The Total Package. NASHVILLE'S FINEST'S - 24
(Nashville Ins, & Outcalls call me)
❀EXOTIC KiTTEN❀ █ ▓ ❤.PLAY •▓ ▒ * ❤.•*POUNCE ▓ * ❤.MAKE Me PuRR •*█ ▓ - 26
(Nashville, nashville and surrounding areas)
- °❀° E _ X _ O _ T _ I _ C _ _ & _ _ S _ T _ U _ N _ N _ I _ N _ G °❀° - 20
E~R^O*T^I~C M^A^S^S*A~G^E with this H*O*T*T*I*E today - 19
(Nashville, murfreesboro/surrrounding area)
° -:¦:- °DrOp DeAd GoRgEoUs* -:¦:- YoUr # 1 PiCk IS RiGhT HeRe° -:¦:- ° - 21
💖💎💋early bird specials! sexy, sweet bRuneTTe! 💖💎💋c0me see me f0r sPeciALs! - 25
(Hermitage/Airport, Nashville)